
          	Hello reptiles, writers, and artists alike! Our first Weekly Graphics Competition is new live, with four prompts for you to choose from!
          	Don’t be afraid to take part for a chance to win neat prizes and a shoutout from this community! Good luck to everyone participating!
          	Currently TheSaurianCommunity team are running through innovative ways for our account to become more interactive with users; don’t be afraid to share your own ideas on our Chat  Page!
          	Steer clear of any asteroids out there!
          	— The Tyrannosaurs 


Just to clear up with anyone else who magically hops onto this page: This community shut down because the email regarding to this account was deleted after I graduated. Thus, the password has also been lost (aka there's no way I can access this account in any shape or form. In addition all of my works jointed to the account were also deleted). So sorry for the inconvenience.


          Hello reptiles, writers, and artists alike! Our first Weekly Graphics Competition is new live, with four prompts for you to choose from!
          Don’t be afraid to take part for a chance to win neat prizes and a shoutout from this community! Good luck to everyone participating!
          Currently TheSaurianCommunity team are running through innovative ways for our account to become more interactive with users; don’t be afraid to share your own ideas on our Chat  Page!
          Steer clear of any asteroids out there!
          — The Tyrannosaurs 


Hello reptiles, writers, and artists alike! Our Weekly Graphics Competition will commence on the fifth (this upcoming Sunday), so acquaint yourself with the rules and sharpen your pencils, because there are some neat prizes to be won! 
          Our Chat Pages are also opening for all your concerns; so as to not spam you all, many of our Community Announcements will be made known there.  You may vent, ask us members questions, and offer ideas/advice for our growing account on one of the many available chains.
          Stay clear of any asteroids out there!
          —   the Tyrannosaurs 


          Hello reptiles and writers alike! Whether you’re cold-blooded or warm-blooded, I’m sure you’ll be excited to discover that TheSaurianCommunity is soon to become active and continually update our current works.
          Myself (@risen_phoenix), @StarMist23, and @ElijahCole11 welcome any hopeful raptors and trikes! Please contact one of the above listed admins in order to request a role as either a:
          RAPTOR — a member of TheSaurianCommunity and external promoter
          TRIKE — an ideaman and reviewer of this account’s works
          Or as the last prestigious role of a TYRANNOSAUR, who will work alongside StarMist and I in order to keep this community running smoothly.
          Don’t hesitate to share this community with your friends, and good luck if you’re willing to participant and become a member of TheSaurianCommunity!
          —  the Tyrannosaurs 


For those who are joining, Welcome! This is free for everyone! I will help in listing what is what and who is who for this profile.
          Those who want to simply join, play, and have fun are known as RAPTORS. Like a pack they make up the community and build it from the ground up. All you have to do is ask to join this, and boom you’re a raptor!
          Admins are REXES. Like the kings of the forest they over watch the profile, and are compiled with people to whom I trust. If you want to be admin speak to an admin in pm and explain why you think they should choose you out of others to control the community.
          Helpers/Ideamen are TRIKES. They decide and offer ideas to the Admins of how to make the place better, and usually assist the admins in making what they desire, whether it’s a new roleplay, a book, or other.


Glad to hear you’re excited for this, @MerMaidFanAtic! Please contact one of the admins listed in the announcement above this to receive a Raptor Rank!