
"I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight"
          	In an attempt to make myself feel better, I think I'm going to take a break. This time I swear I'll actually take a..break..
          	I don't know how long I'll be gone..
          	But I will be gone..
          	Hell, I might end up leaving wp for a long long time, unless something happens, and it ends up being bad and making me feel horrible
          	Goodbye I guess..?
          	I hate goodbyes..
          	But, Goodbye.


@TheSilly--Stay ily babyy ill miss you, take care and most importantly: stay safe. Baii my angell <333


@TheSilly--Stay omg ml please take care. I'll be missing my moon but i'll be here waiting (i might email you seeing how you had it in your location or maybe still do) i love you so much and atay safe xx


Why black theme? Are you okay? I know ur not officially back tho. I love you Senorita!!!!! I’m leaving wattpad for a while but I’ll come back for you and a few others. I’m not leaving you. Ever.


@Hannie_Kive Hi My Beautiful Blossom <3
            I'm doing alright, I'm on and off of wp right now, but the account that I'll mostly be on is the new one I made
            I hope you enjoy your time off, and know that I'll always be here for you too <3
            I won't be leaving you either


I really hope you're well darling...
          Drink water, eat well, sleep, rest, do some exercise, smile, and mostly... aways remember you matter a lot to me and you being happy makes me happy.
          I love you so, so much Darling.
          *BIG HUG*
           (Idk if you're gonna see this, but I care for you like you aways cared for me)


@ Yukariito_  
            Aww baby :(
            I will!
            Ily, take care darling <33


@Yukariito_ *BIG HUG*
            I care for you too
            You'd better do all of those things too, you matter a lot to me as well, and I love you so much
            I'll be on and off, but mostly on my new account, so yeah (:
            I will be sure to let everyone know when I decide to fully come back online


There are days when you feel like a total mess. It can get so overwhelming that you start feeling numb, and those negative thoughts begin to consume you completely. It’s okay and natural to feel this way sometimes, but you can’t stay stuck in it - for the sake of your own well-being.
          Imagine your mind is a room, and your emotions are its belongings. They are usually in their right places, but sometimes they get messy. When you feel overwhelmed, restless, numb, angry, drained, stressed, or anxious, it’s like shuffling things around in your mind. Your emotions become scattered, just like the mess in your room. And just like you clean your room, you need to sort out your emotions too.
          You know that no matter how many times you clean your room, you will have to do it again and again. It takes effort, but you also know you don’t have any other choice. If you don’t clean up, you will be the one struggling in the mess. The same goes for your emotions. If you don’t take care of them, they will only make things harder for you.
          [I have so much more to say, but due to Wattpad’s word limit, I can’t share everything here. This topic needs a deeper explanation, so I have written it in more detail in my book GENTLE NOTES. I highly recommend reading Note 17 - it will only take 5-7 minutes of your time.
          If you’re struggling with your emotions or mental health right now, I strongly encourage you to read it.
          You don’t have to vote - just read it. I really wanted to share it here on the message board, but I can’t because of the character limit. That’s why I published it today in my book. I truly hope it helps you in some way.
          And if you know someone who might need to read these words, please feel free to share them. Tag them in the comments, or if they aren’t on Wattpad, you can copy and share it elsewhere.
          I’m doing my best to help people here, and I hope these notes bring even a little bit of positivity into someone’s life. Read Note 17 - MUST READ!]


"I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight"
          In an attempt to make myself feel better, I think I'm going to take a break. This time I swear I'll actually take a..break..
          I don't know how long I'll be gone..
          But I will be gone..
          Hell, I might end up leaving wp for a long long time, unless something happens, and it ends up being bad and making me feel horrible
          Goodbye I guess..?
          I hate goodbyes..
          But, Goodbye.


@TheSilly--Stay ily babyy ill miss you, take care and most importantly: stay safe. Baii my angell <333


@TheSilly--Stay omg ml please take care. I'll be missing my moon but i'll be here waiting (i might email you seeing how you had it in your location or maybe still do) i love you so much and atay safe xx


So, I'm going to take down my book 'The Weight of His Sins'
          I am going to do some serious rewriting
          In place of that book, I'll upload a book that was previously published, but I took it down for similar reasons (rewriting)
          I will publish the first 6 chapters since all of them are ready, and I am working on Chapter 7 as we speak
          And for anyone who read 'The Weight of His Sins' I'm sorry for taking it down, but it will be back up when I rewrite it, I promise
          The book I will be publishing is a TxT Ff, and It's called ''Forbidden Attraction''
          Formerly it was called 'Temptation'
          I don't know why I changed it, but I did
          But yea
          Thought I'd just update on that I guess


          I realize I didn't do my morning message yesterday
          I apologize
          Yesterday wasn't great, and I know today is going to be equally as dumb
          It's going to be okay <3
          Because I love you guys, and I care about you all, and I am endlessly proud of each and every one of you <333
          Please remember to, eat, drink, and get some well deserved rest <3
          I love you <3
          I'm proud of you <3


@Stone_fire *Hugs* Yeah
            Love you too <3


@TheSilly--Stay *hugs you* at least you seem to be feeling a bit better now. Love u ❤


@TheSilly--Stay  ૮꒰ฅᵔ ᵕ •ฅ꒱໊ა ♡


You're amazing, might not be perfect but lovely and sweet, might feel bad but is so good. Might be odd but is so sweet. You're the loveliest thing that can be.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Hello my gorgeous moon xx
          How are you feeling?
          I'm more than happy to stay up and chat if you need to <3
          Go get some water and stay hydrated, make sure you eat as well xx
          I love you and I'm sending you all my hugs (especially the Big Hugs)


@Kiara_Channie Hi my sweet Sunshine <33
            ..I don't know..
            I went to sleep, but I'm awake now..
            I have water and I eat soon, I just woke up.
            I love you too <33
            **Big Hugs**