
Hi sorry for the mass of republishing drafts ;;


Just wanted to say that I enjoy your work and want you to continue keep on writing. Have a nice day. :)


@Suleiman2003155 Awww thank you! This made my day <3 ^u^


 #Tarun cont'd; 
          - 'Sinners': I can't put my finger on why, exactly, but this song totally works for Tarun! It's self-depreciating, it's rebellious, it's cynical, basically everything that makes up the hot mess that is Tarun the Heartless lol. The garage band vibes are strong with this one, or perhaps a band that would play at some smoky back-alley venue at midnight on a Friday. 10/10 that Tarun would be sitting in the crowd at that back-alley bar, nodding along to the beat of this song despite himself. XD 
          - 'Brave as a Noun': "I could go off the deep end, I could kill all my best friends" WHEN I TELL YOU THAT I SNORTED OMG!!! Have you ever heard of The Arrogant Worms? They're a Canadian band (who brought us the likes of "I Am Cow" and "The Last Saskatchewan Pirate", and this is 1000% the sort of song that they would sing. Don't believe me?  You're welcome. XD  
          - 'Willow Tree March';  Oooo me likey the whistling at the very beginning! This one opens with strong folksy vibes, but a little dark and it's awesome. The repeated line "With your lust and your greed weighing down" definitely stands out for Tarun, because these are precisely his vices, aren't they? On one hand, one could argue that he wants an education and he's fallen in love with a strong, educated woman...admirable goals, no? Buuuuut....he's also proven more than willing to use the mountainfolk - people he's grown up with - as pawns to further his own ends, and part of WHY he loves Ellorae is the promises of power and ambition that she can offer him. I also love the strong, marching beat of this song, kind of a neat call-back to Tarun's stint as a royal soldier and the endless marching...marching to the beat of his own drum, or the drums of others? Who can say. Very cool! 
          To be cont'd:


@TheSmellOfHome Truly a national treasure of which we are duly proud. ^u^


            I am Cow is a magical, transformative, and dare I say modern classical piece of musical genius. Thank you for bringing this to my attention


            Sinners is just such an angsty emo boy song but with a rustic twang to make you feel like an old cowboy at the end of a dimly lit bar who has been around and seen all there is to see. AKA make you feel cool. Seemed like something he'd jam too XD 
            And yes that image is 10/10 where I'd think this would play
            Oooo I will listen 0u0
            EEEE I'm glad you like! I typically imagine the song being sung by a group but it just fit Tarun specifically surprisingly well. I'm happy you agree!


*cracks knuckles* 
          Well, seeing as I'm writing the first Tarun chapter for TBoT, Volume 4...... 
          'Tarun is Belle, please give him books', a Spotify playlist by a smol potato tot ;-) 
          - 'Lemon Boy': Pfffttttttt! Well, if a lemon isn't an apt comparison for Tarun, I don't know what is! Literally the first line of the chapter I'm writing for him right now is "Tarun was annoyed." XD Also the line "It's actually pretty easy being nice to a bitter boy like him" is 1000% pure LOOOOOL. This reminds me of one of your poems, it's got the same funny, nature chaos-energy and we do stan. \^_^/
          - 'Carry On My Wayward Son': Yoooooooooo.... *inhale*. Okay. Woah. As a semi-former Supernatural fan, this song is SO LOADED and I HAVE THOUGHTS/FEELS. Do Tarun and Dean have a little bit of the same dumb energy? Yes. Do they just both really want to be loved, deep down? Debatable. Are their respective significant others both awkward angels? Yes to the awkward part, no to the angel part LOL. THE ENERGY IS STILL THE SAME THOUGH! 
          - 'Heal': I do believe I've encountered this song before in your other TBoT playlists, and yet for some reason it's been totally applicable in each and every playlist. ^_^* Possibly because I like abusing my poor characters...? This song especially for Tarun bears closer thought. I mean...Tarun comes off as having brushed off Marden's death (and extrapolating that, his parents' deaths) so 'easily'. He just went 'Nope, not dealing with that' in both instances, and went on about his day. BUUUUUT, is that how one copes with grief in a healthy way, by bottling it up and shoving it down? NOPE. So, in a sense, Tarun is actually way less emotionally sound right now that Lhara, who emotes way more openly and often. I mean, how long can a person go on pretending not to Feel before the glass cracks and it all comes out? Tarun intends to set the world record for not finding out, at this rate. XD 


            Lemon boy was just such an obvious choice, it had to be included UuU
            AND OML I WAS TRYNA FIND THE SUPERNATURAL VERSION BECAUSE IT'S MY FAVORITE! But t'was not on spotify from what I could find so I search for the next best one (in my humble opinion ofc)
            HEAL IS IN ALL THE PLAYLISTS! Because you are mean. >-> 
            Also poor baby ;;  *yeets emotional support cat at him*


Just in case Glitchpad goes and does another meanie... @TheSmellOfHome ;-)


AND I'M ON A ROLL! #Yidu: 
          - Come With Me: Okay, first off, the ukelele is a whole entire mood as far as Yidu is concerned. XD I love this whole entire song, but the second stanza in particular "You're made of darkness and fire my friend" reminds me so strongly of Yidu and Lhara, and honestly I love their friendship. <3 Also the line "The world eventually, so come with me" is awesome because I imagine Yidu as having a very GenZ/semi-nihilistic worldview, like 'Everything's on fire, but O WELL, let's go get Starbucks!' ^_^ Totally love the bit about "clothed in white", since we know that white clothing has cultural significance to the Undorians. Can't wait for this playlist to grow!!! 
          - Man of Stone: First off, the singer's voice sounds like a young man roughly Roran's age, and thus I have decided that this song is a great voice-canon for Roran. <3 Also DANG 'DAT PARALLEL, when one considers that Roran once literally almost turned himself into a 'man of stone' lol! ^_^* This has very garage-band vibes to it, which I think would probably suit Roran's tastes as a teenage boy quite well. XD Another playlist I can't wait to see grow! 
          (There is only 1 song in each list, right? Or is Spotify being mean to me... >_< I could have sworn there were more in there the other day...)


@TheSmellOfHome Good idea lol! I'm terrible for just adding anything and everything to my spotify playlists, even if it so much as remotely fits. XD


@GreenScholarTales ooooo wonderful thoughts!
            There were a few more songs but after multiple listens they were culled. I try to Only keep the songs that I feel really fit >u<


Eeeeeeyay! More #Aidynne on Spotify ;-) 
          - Will I Find My Home: EEEEEeeeeee another voice-claim song for #Davenynne <3 Also love the imagery of birds/Icarus. I've been on a bit of a minor Greek-mythology kick lately, so I'm all about 'dat lol. The line "Is it worth letting into my heart" with regards to love also strikes me as a particularly Ace/Demi/Aro phrase, which is perfect for our girl. Like, when you're on the ace-spectrum, choosing to fall in love is a very loaded thing, and definitely a conscious choice in some ways. 
          - What Is This Feeling: LOL! This is hilarious, and makes me want to go see/watch a recorded performance of 'Wicked' IMMEDIATELY! XD Also makes me wonder who is this dynamic between? Perhaps Aidynne and Derrian? ^_^ I mean, a sweet 'lil (?blonde) cinnamon roll and a....slightly salty cinnamon roll...with "unadulterated loathing" between them, in the sweetest and most amusing of ways...perfection! 
          - Two: Okay. At first I was like "well this is clearly Aidynne to Davenir", since it's one person aggressively/lovingly trying to take care of the other. Then it the line "You can take the oxygen straight out of my own chest" was sooo strongly Davenir to Aidynne...  So, I've decided that this song can go both ways back-and-forth between the two of them, and that's beautiful. <3 I keep trying to decide what my favourite 'official' #Davenynne shipping song is...and this one is a very strong contender, BUT YOU JUST KEEP PICKING SUCH GREAT STUFF FOR THIS PLAYLIST 
          - Bird Song: I actually wasn't familiar with Juniper Vale before this playlist, but I think you may have gotten me hooked onto their stuff now. :-) Even if you hadn't already picked Blue Stone as being Aidynne's city of origin, I'd be insisting on it with all the lovely bird imagery in this playlist. And honestly, I absolutely LOVE the male-female duets you've been picking for this list! Also this song made me realize that, if Brand loves pigeons...Davenir loves meadowlarks. :-)


            EEEEEEEE !!  *reads again a third time to take it all in*
            - the bird imagery is strongly because Deer Man = bird fren, but also feel that the symbolism of freedom(or travel) typically associated with birds was somewhat important. It's basically like a symbol of Davenynne for me i guess lol. And I'm actually reading the Iliad among other greek myths! I guess greek mythos is makin a come back hehe~ 
            Choosing/allowing yourself to fall in love tis very loaded, I imagine that line would be one if the big questions for the two babs 
            - YES ! 100% Aidynne and Derrian, I just H A D to, t'was too perfect XD
            - awww shucks you're gonna make me blush >///< glad you think so though! Two is just such a comfy song I love it. Any song that sounded like a duet was an instant add in hehe
            - again, bird = Aidynne playlist. YES I CAUGHT ONE >:D always happy to hook people on wonderful songs <3 
            Davenir loving meadowlarks is friggin precious ;u;


I'm so lame. ^_^* I've been binge-watching the season finale of The Mandalorian the best I could do was listen to one song from your 'Aidynne' playlist. 
          More to follow though! I was listening to Yidu and Roran at work today, and have MANY THOUGHTS <3 
          - The Kitchen: It's funny, but this playlist is teaching me not just about Aidynne, but also retroactively about Blue Stone! There's this folksy, earthy undertone to all of her songs that's unique from the character of Trosk but at the same time just slightly akin to it. Almost as if Blue Stone has an upper-crust, high society veneer to it, but at its heart there's something that makes it much more down-to-earth as a city compared to its sisters Vaelona and Amenthere.


@GreenScholarTales ooo Man of Stone was in Davnir's playlist but the more I thought about it the more I thought of Roran. Maybe just the title idk, your thoughts will be insightful 
            Yidu's was gonna be in Aidynne's but a lot of the imagery reminded me of Yidu and Ijireen so I moved it too


@GreenScholarTales >:0
            YOU AREN'T LAME *bap* you are enjoying things that you love and that is very valid and good for you. UuU <3
            Not me totally forgetting I started a playlist for Yidu and Roran X'D your thought intrigue meh ouo
            Awww! That was totally unintentional, I just felt that with the grandpa she had and the love of poetry and nature that folksy/earthy would just be her vibe no matter what.  But I'm down for Blue Stone to be the no nonsense sister out of the three cities XD


          - House a Habit: Welp, I've already found my official #Davenynne song <3 The lines "Tell me all your secrets, I'll tell you what I know" just fits what I know about them so far to a T. Like both Davenir and Aidynne are secretive and defensive by nature, and opening up to each other is a huge show of trust. 
          - My Name is Carnival: This song has definite Blue Stone vibes to it...very appropriate for Aidynne's background.the singer's voice is so soft and gentle too, kind of like how I'd imagine Davenir to speak (same accent too lol!). Almost like he's singing this song about her. ;-) 
          - The Ends and the Means: Oooo the beginning about a king demanding war is SO evocative of the current events Aidynne is living in. I wonder how she feels about the war as a whole, and her relationship to her mistress, Princess Ellorae, as she sets herself up as Mahir's main rival? Like, does Aidynne believe that 'the ends justify the means', or perhaps not...?
          - Wander. Wonder: I love how there's a folksy, thoughtful feel to this whole playlist so far, it really gives me insight into not just Aidynne's character, but yours as well. <3 Also I love the title; she must love travel and wondering at new sights, since she left her home in Blue Stone to serve the princess. :-)
          - The Village, The Wolf, and The Boy: "I won't let you fall apart if you don't let me run" Ooooo intriguing! Also the bit about an "anxious heart" makes me curious about Aidynne's potential reaction to growing closer to Davenir? Like, perhaps the realization that watching him isn't just an assignment to her anymore would be unnerving to her at first? 
          MOAR to come, 'thoon...very 'thoon...


            SCREEEE (and thank you for the tag!)
            -YES the moment I listened to House of Habit I was like "yeup. This is perfect, put it at the top of the list" I can already tell Davenir and Aidynne have moments of trust and vulnerability is going to be my source of serotonin ;u;
            -Ooooo def bluestone vibes, anf funny you should say that, there's a song titled something like "In love with the inventors' daughter" and another one which gave me some davenyyne vibes but more from Deer man's side so I excluded it for now. But that being something like Deer man's voice claim is gonna have me melted ;v;
            -good points >u>   idk, I imagine that'll be more apparent the further it goes along. Personally I almost always find war a waste and would love it if leader's could just talk things out and get along but that stems from (i feel) political naivete and anti-socialness. Kind of "if the Undorians want to be their own nation fine but if we have to fight let's do it Ellorea's way"
            -you caught me XD i love acoustic and folk music, there's something comfy and homey about it and Aidynne felt like a good place to dump all that. I imagine she 100% loves the travel and new sites, it also can be used as a good distraction from any homesickness or anxieties one /might/ carry.
            -ohmygosh  we love ourselves some "o h n o  l0vE" moments  if that's the road we go down <3


Oh and just in case Glitchpad does the thing of no notifs, @TheSmellOfHome