So hey you found me xD nice to meet you. 
About me, I guees I am your average teen, I am 15 years old and love Netlifx. Who dosnt though, I am also in love with 2 bands the first one is named 5 seconds of summer the other one is named All time low . I really like both bands music and their personalities, I personally think both bands are awesome. My favorite netfilx series is nowhere boys, Riverdale and modern family. So if you havent seen any of those I would definitely recommend them. I have a book out so if you have time check it out.
  • Earth
  • SumaliAugust 2, 2015

Mga kuwento ni TheSmilyFace
The tale of Bella Ryder ni TheSmilyFace
The tale of Bella Ryder
Bella Rose Ryder and her friends loves having their annual prank wars against Chase's gang. But this seems...
My weird life ni TheSmilyFace
My weird life
The question is what do you get when you throw a 16 year old teen, a boy dressed like a clown, some fuckboys...
3 kløveren ni TheSmilyFace
3 kløveren
Denne novelle handler om 3 fyre Nathan, Chase og Blake også bedre kendt som 3 kløveren
3 Mga Reading List