
@yamiX104 Thank you! Pandas are just soooo cute ☺ and thank you for the follow :)


@dizzy_panda OMG! pandas rule! lol ;)
          you're the author of Voice Addiction, aren't you? I totally LOVED your book, I think it was a really original idea, plus I liked Adrian's POVs at the end :3
          I enjoyed a lot reading it because I think it was so well expressed. I also think I'm starting to rant so yeah I think you get my point :D (sorry if there are any mistakes, I'm not english haha) 


Pandas DO rule! >:3
            Yeah, that's me ^_^ he he. Thank you so SO much for that awesome message :'D just made my day. It really means the world to me. I'm so happy you enjoyed it. 
            English is not my first language either :p don't worry, your english is great!