The Writer Games: #Annivertastic1 Spontaneous Giveaways Wattpad Trivia Questions Five and Six.
5: In the Summer of 2016, when a book was updated on Wattpad, something could have been seen in the notification toggle of one's mobile device or tablet when a notification from Wattpad was sent. After a short period, it could no longer be seen. What was it?
6: Wattpad has recently acquired a new means of storytelling. It is practiced on another app owned and controlled by Wattpad. What is the name of that app?
Send your responses to our Private Message Inbox. The first three persons to answer the questions correctly, with the answer we are searching for, will be the winners.
The winners will be notified on August 5 or August 6, 2017 due to our schedule.
The last BONUS question will be asked in one hour at 7PM.
Happy Anniversary!