DIE FOR MINE INFO-SHOULD I COMPLETE IT OR NOT ? The reason why I haven’t completed die for mine part two is because honestly die for mine part one is so messy. I love I have so many people that still to this day write me about that book ! That’s so dope to me seriously ! But I hate how many errors it has and how jumbled up the story line is to me maybe I’m being too hard on myself ? If I was to start up part two I would honesty want to rip apart part 1 and give it s facelift because I love giving you guys the best of the best ! But if you guys are really set on wanting that part two I can promise you guys to complete part two while working on my new book Murder for hire ! If I get enough feedback from this post I’ll know what to do. All I need is for you guys to tell me what you want and I’ll deliver !