Hey, people. The insomnia is on tonight. Partially my fault anyway. I was working on my novel earlier (at a reasonable time) when I realized, “Hey, even if this never gets published, even if no one ever reads it, you are living your dream. Every moment you spend writing, revising, editing, you are living your dream. Your dream isn’t to be a famous author. You want to be a famous author so that you can make it your full time job and do it all the time. But right now, you are living your dream.” So many people have grand dreams, but don’t follow them. They’re too busy and think that maybe later they’ll achieve their goals, but I’m doing it. Thank you to whoever reads my status or my book. Thank you for being amazing, giving me validation on my dream. I’ll be honest, I would still do this without you - I am addicted to story after all - but it does make it so much better to know that my words are read, my voice heard. Thank you so much.