hello I am unfortunately on a new account because my old one bugged out while I was clearing my history so I am sorry
Ubi alii homines temere sequi veritatem, Memento, nihil est verum. Ubi alii homines sint finita, per moralitatis vel lege, Memento, omnia licet. Nos operari in tenebris, ut serviant in lucem. Nos sunt sicarii.
Where other men blindly follow the truth, Remember, nothing is true. Where other men are limited by morality or law, Remember, everything is permitted. We work in the dark to serve the light. We are assassins.
- DołączyłSeptember 18, 2020
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Dzieło autorstwa The_New_GinHakari54
- 1 Opublikowane Dzieło

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