
          	How did I figure out my sexuality
          	Go through a whole gender crisis
          	Changed my names and pronouns
          	Figured out what I want to do with my life
          	And passed out 7 times
          	All in 6 hours


I thought I would update y'all on my life
          Why? Cause it's 5:30am and im bored asf
          I'm living with my dad (mom kicked me out)
          So now i'm doing school online
          Which mean I'll have a lot more free time
          So I'll be online more, and writing more
          I'm working on a short story rn
          I'm gonna finish it first before I publish it
          But yeah that's about all that's happened
          Just thought I should let y'all know


Did any of y'all know i knew how to speak Russian? Cause for some reason people don't believe me but like...i speak it irl i dont just type


@The_ratsnest thats sick, i wanna learn russian