
Not sure I told you guys but I graduated on Wednesdayyyyy. But I'm not officially out cause I'm still writing final exams (Don't ask me why graduation was before exams ended cause I'm puzzled too ) but anyways, I'll be officially done in the third of August so yayyyyy.


@SruthiT3  There's a description on it on the authors page. I'm not that good at explaining stuff 


hi. i am jade. pen name dont ask. andd sruthi isn't my name. and as you may have guessed by the user name, i am indian. nice to meet ya. honestly i dont know much about verity. i konw about her cuz my friend has the book and she read it. turns out she kills her unborn child by literally fuccing a wire.....WHAT!?!?


@Thenamessamara  ok then i am deffinitely gonna get these books thx


@SruthiT3 I have! Didn't really like the first one but id still recommend the series


Not sure I told you guys but I graduated on Wednesdayyyyy. But I'm not officially out cause I'm still writing final exams (Don't ask me why graduation was before exams ended cause I'm puzzled too ) but anyways, I'll be officially done in the third of August so yayyyyy.


@SruthiT3  There's a description on it on the authors page. I'm not that good at explaining stuff 


As some of you may or may not know, I Have been editing my book offline with plans to post the full book at once... So tell me why i open this app today and that book and all my other drafts are GONE... I'm so frustrated because I've tried everything. Turning my connection on and off, deleting and redownloading the app.. Everything.
          It's still not there. If this has happened to anyone else, did the story come back? Because I write solely on Wattpad and therefore don't have the draft elsewhere.
          Because I really do NOT have the time, energy nor sanity to start again.


@Thenamessamara That's understandable... I hope you'll get your work back


@Blacklily_17 That's exactly what happened to me...I logged out and logged back in.
            I'll try calling Wattpad support, thanks for the suggestion.
            But If that doesn't work I honestly don't know if I'll do it all again because there was a lot. Thank you for your suggestion and support 


Hey Samara!
          Thank you so much for checking out Extra Credit. I appreciate your support.
          Happy reading!


@LuisaDituri  It's no problem at all...I adored "His last hope" and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with this version


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
I just finished reading the cat and mouse duet (Haunting Adeline and hunting Adeline). The first book, I could deal with... hell I even loved it. But the second? Some seriously fucked up shit right there. SPOILERS AHEAD:
          I mean the smut in the first book was normal I'm some ways but the scenes in the second were just sick and I refuse to believe people do that irl. I was so sad when she was kidnapped but reopening her scars to give them new "meaning" was on another level. Not to mention FINGERING her in front of her freaking RAPIST and carving a rose with a KNIFE over their hearts. I knew it was dark romance but Jesus.
          Using a branch to whack her while she's tied around a tree with a belt round her neck was also fucked up but hey, I never expected normal. In some ways, this was even worse than corrupt. But I'm not criticizing the writing in any way... Just the characters.


I just read the Spanish love deception and OMFGGGGGGGG.
          I want them to make a movie of it so badddd.... it didn't feel overly drawn out and it wasn't insta love either...A little bit faster than the enemies to lovers I usually read but it doesn't make a difference. Chefs kiss 10/10 rating.


@Thenamessamara They're are best, Lina nad Aaron <33333333