
So some interesting things that happened today! I did a math test which was boring, I got glitter dumped into my hair, me and my boyfriend are celebrating 1 month together honestly this little hoe is the best thing that has happened to me this past month, hoping for many memories to come with the little fag! Also my mother kept texting me during school because I was gonna go to my best friends house but she told me not too because there were important things to do and I’m glad I listened to her I came home to nothing but kd just wait and I was like wait for what and my father came home about and hour and a bit ago with the cutest little thing ever! He’s not very little considering he’s a rescue and about 2 years old, he has been such a snuggly little critter my family has finally decided on calling the creature cat a name and his name is *insert something dumb* Milo! Honestly really like this name to be honest, but I’m sooo happy milo is appart of my family even thought at some point my mother will come to the point where he’ll become another barn cat sadly. But besides that I at least get a week or two with my new cat milo! And will probably make more memories because when owning a farm you can see your other animals ;) thanks for listening mkay bye 


So some interesting things that happened today! I did a math test which was boring, I got glitter dumped into my hair, me and my boyfriend are celebrating 1 month together honestly this little hoe is the best thing that has happened to me this past month, hoping for many memories to come with the little fag! Also my mother kept texting me during school because I was gonna go to my best friends house but she told me not too because there were important things to do and I’m glad I listened to her I came home to nothing but kd just wait and I was like wait for what and my father came home about and hour and a bit ago with the cutest little thing ever! He’s not very little considering he’s a rescue and about 2 years old, he has been such a snuggly little critter my family has finally decided on calling the creature cat a name and his name is *insert something dumb* Milo! Honestly really like this name to be honest, but I’m sooo happy milo is appart of my family even thought at some point my mother will come to the point where he’ll become another barn cat sadly. But besides that I at least get a week or two with my new cat milo! And will probably make more memories because when owning a farm you can see your other animals ;) thanks for listening mkay bye