
Chapter Seven's been delayed. The new quarter started for college, and my attention has to be redirected for a brief moment. It'll be out soon, though, I aim for mid next week, and I'll be working on it this weekend to be ready. I'm also in the meantime starting work on the next few chapters (All of which will be quite the read, I hope) Have a good weekend and enjoy the reveals being showcased tonight (for me 9pm)! Also, as much as it dismays me, it seems we're getting a new Lucius the Eternal, but eh, at least we have a new Fulgrim


Chapter Seven's been delayed. The new quarter started for college, and my attention has to be redirected for a brief moment. It'll be out soon, though, I aim for mid next week, and I'll be working on it this weekend to be ready. I'm also in the meantime starting work on the next few chapters (All of which will be quite the read, I hope) Have a good weekend and enjoy the reveals being showcased tonight (for me 9pm)! Also, as much as it dismays me, it seems we're getting a new Lucius the Eternal, but eh, at least we have a new Fulgrim


What happened to the update for your Warhammer 40k x ruby crossover?


@Tired_Man2077 I waited, this long so I can probably take it.


@CharlesCedrickMDiaz unpublished. Accidentally hit the button too soon while I was working on it yesterday. It'll be out shortly, though.


Uh, ignore that... accidentally hit the button too early


I feel like I got cock blocked X~X


@TheprophetofMALK Exactly. Anyway, I’ll see you when the next chapter drops soon


Hey all, sorry for the delay. I'm working on the next chapter for the Warhammer story right now as much as I can, but y'know, life stuff. College, work, my goddamn plastic addiction thanks to James Workshop and my newfound 3D printing hobby or whatever it is. I'm hoping to get it out within the month or early, early next month. I can't say more, but it's going to be another long one, or actually, longer than the last... but that's more stuff for you until the next which won't take as long (HOPEFULLY). Also been playing a bunch of Cyberpunk in the few moments of peace I have between writing and stuff, might make something in that world too! So if any of you would like to read that, let me know! Do you want it to be another RWBY crossover or tie it into Edgerunners? (Even if that causes me more anguish because... man, it's rough... I hate Adam Smasher)
          Anyway, have a great weekend (Or week, whenever you read this) and I'll be seeing you when I release the next chapter of Lost Centurion. Also, all of your comments and stuff have been great reading, especially the TTS references, I'm glad you all have that brain rot too!


The new chapter is currently being revised. AKA, I was displeased with the length and tone. It'll come out by the sixth, I'm going to try to beat out the launch of SM2, and give you all a chapter you deserve after my long absence. Sorry, but I believe you don't deserve the lackluster product I was working on. This new one will be good, though, more eventful than the last, I promise.


Listen, gang, Imma be a hundred with you. I'm currently writing the next chapter for 'Lost Centurion' as fast and with the best quality I can, which is definitely better than what was originally published and worked on in previous chapters and drafts. I'm aiming for middle of the month, but I'm also working on the next chapter for 'Bound by Blood' (What happens when my ass plays Max Payne 2 and 3 on and off, don't ask) both are coming along very nicely, and I'm very happy with their progress. But if you are like me, you've been eyeing up Space Marine 2, which drops on the 4th (9th for you fellas that didn't pre-order the ultra edition like me) Now, I'm trying to get this out and have it be the best it can be with my ability. But I'll be very, very real. If I don't get this out by the end of the month, it might be a little longer till the next chapter (both stories). That's worse case scenario, though. Best case is chapter six out by 17-18th. Anyway, have a good weekend. Emperor protects, and don't fall victim to Fulgrim's goon comps


Happy to actually start writing here now! Putting out a new chapter for the VTM book ina couple hours! Please give some feedback if you have any! And I should have another chapter for the 40k book over the weekend!


@Hahahakla yeah, working on it currently. Mostly putting the finishing touches on this first one and then I’ll begin working on the next chapter. I’ll release them both in a short manner of time since they tie together nicely! Probably have them out by the midriff next week, maybe earlier, mainly cause college stuff rn


@Tired_Man2077 And will the Warhammer book continue?


@unboundfox if you're talking about the old one, I actually started rewriting it! The first couple chapters are out now, and personally I think it's better. Give it a read, If you enjoyed the previous one, I think you'll enjoy this one more TBH. Anyways, thanks for reading and have a good one!