
Great warrior has no fear,
          	A big challenges comes our way,
          	That we have to overcome it.
          	Fear has no objections,
          	All they do is lowering your self-esteem of something which is going to change your whole life.


Emotional part of the soil,
                By Tj.
             Why did you have to do this to me,
          Crushing me to the ash,
          Crushing me till I bleed,
          Not caring if I became a soil,
          Not caring if I have one eye,
          One hand,
          One leg,
          How will I manage this life?
          How will manage to Walk without you being on my side?
          The soil,
          Yearning for you,
          Use it well,
          Watering it everyday,
          And the flower will blossom in front of our eyes.
          Is life the same without you?
          Without the love that you gave me?
          Without the new leave that you give me every morning?
          Lean on me and make me grow into your love again.


The stars is on tears,
          This night is so dark,
          I've been calling the stars to shine us,
          But still it's in tears.
          The stars all is want us to smile then it's smiles back❤
          There is no other way when we are in tears because it's a mutual feelings.


Have you ever starve yourself by thinking so deep?
          That at times you forget that your alive,
          Thinking deep with music
          Makes me feel alive,
          Makes me feel so free,
          Makes me feel like I ain't hearing impaired,
          Makes me feel strong,
          Gives me alot of ideas for art and soccer.
          But starving myself,
          Ain't good,right?
          Sometimes,the mind is in 30feet ocean and Faraway land,
          Where no one is found,
          Is this thinking deep?
          Will I ever feel the wet grass?
          Will I ever touch the clouds?
          Will I ever hear the baby without my hearing aids?
          Will I ever feel your throat without touching you?
          Thinking deep,
          At times i feel I'm the volcanoes eruptions that erupt easily,
          At time I feel Im the earthquakes that shakes all the time.
          At times I'm the tornado that moves on real quick,
          At times I feel I'm the cyclone that goes everywhere without a name of the place.
          The atmosphere with Beautiful clouds,blue sky and sun is I need. #justthinkingoutloud.


Is it a must to express ourselves?
          While we are filled with tears on our eyes,
          Hugs, just a hug can make some smile,
          Imagine an old man walking at the mall alone and his wife died about 10years ago with no children, he lived with sorrow
          Does he need a hug or he just express himself on how he feels?
          As I say just hug someone who is in need of of it.
          Express their feelings  them feel less, because it's just talking than helping.
          Like I say hug first then the rest.


The eyes moves up and down in slow motion,
          That can take your eyes away,
          That can make you stare at it for long,
          That can make you calm.
          The eyes got magical moves and makes you fall in love all over again,
          It's got many different colours in different moods and seasons,
          If that eyes make you feel that way,
          Don't give up on that special person that Belong to you.


Just once in life,
          That we will be free,
          But our mind is always crawling back to backseat where is was meant to be in the front seat.
          Our eyes is always blind when we walk, because we stare at the horizontal lines of equator,
          Our lips, always talks about deep core of the earth until it's tremble.
          Our ears, hearing the noise and voices of echoes that isn't even real,
          Until our body laid paralyzed only our soul is moving around the earth.


            Thank you sooo much❤❤


@TjApparently Beautifully expressed❤❤❤