this message may be offensive
howdy it's your internet block of ramen here. I just gotta say that whatever you are going through right now whether it's dealing with your parent's bullshit, friends that are only around you to not seem alone, a toxic relationship, a loss of a loved one, just know that this is not a time to give up but a time to rest. to take a break and leave your heart and soul a minute to exhale and move on. don't ever forget that you can get over anything. if you couldn't, we would not have grown to whom we are today. please keep pulling through. I know it's cliche and edgy as fuck but death does not deserve you as much as people say you deserve death. No matter how much you feel like the world and everyone you know will be better off without you, that is complete bullshit and do not listen to that dipshit of a voice in your head that keeps consoling you with empty promises. don't give up just because everyone tells you to. keep moving to tell everyone what they cannot fucking take from you. don't ever EVER let anyone deprive you of your happiness. that happiness is yours and it only comes from you. don't let anyone tell you how to live your life when they can't even live themselves. stay sweet guys and don't forget to pat yourself on the back for making it this far. you did good. I'm proud of you.