If the multiverse is real there are the possibilities where jurassic period raisins in robes aren't allowed to control laws on human rights. I am upset that this country is going backwards so fast after taking forever to come forward. I literally can't with what this country might overturn next. I have become so afraid to live here knowing that they can take away same sex marriage and relations, that can illegalize the lgbtqia+ community. Also that people with uterus' don't have any privacy/protection against the government. They can't stop abortions only safe ones. They are putting so many lives at risk that it would do more harm than what they thought. They are only pro birth, once those kids are born they don't want nothing to do with them. Pro life people are people who care for all life, including after birth. If the were prolife the would focus on the after effects of all the kids being born, like fixing the formula shortage so he kids can eat and not starve, to fix the foster care system that is broken so those kids that were born out of force and not willingly don't have shitty lives. The fetus in the womb is not a living human until born. It is nothing other than a clump of cells. The women of this country deserve to hae no laws over their bodies and to have control over them. Not for some dinosaurs in wigs to tell them what the can and can't do. This country is sickening.