Hi,I'm Mysteria as you've read above there.
You're probably going to freak when I tell you that I live at the bottom of a tequila and I am mysterious but then again you don't even know what I look like so...you wouldn't!

Ok,OK I UNdErStAnD ThIS Is BorINg BUt I WAs juSt beGgiNing To LIke This AnyWay You DOn't evEn Know My ReAl Age BecauSE I Don'T WanT yOu To.

I lOve ROmAncE bOOks! Do You?
I lOve DRinKinG TequIla bUt Then Again You Might THInk I wAs OvEr TwenTy oR sOmethiNG WhiCh I'm Not ,Just Below NinEtEEn bUT nOt Too Close...Are You GettING THEre I woNder...
Do You LOve LAsaGna,I dO I hoPe yOUr mOM mAkes GOod oNEs bECAuse MY mom Does I'D lIKE tO iNvITE YOU buT i CAn'T OR I'd WEAr A freAKy lookING mASk To SCARE THE bEjESus H. Christ OuttA' you So proBAblY yOU'll hAve NiGHtmareS aND oTHer SHit.


I KNOw THiS IS GETtING oUT PRettY WEiRD YOU Are Going To thinK I'm CRaZY AnD I Dont EXiST bUT I dO....I'm Just InsIde Your gOddamN awful Closet!


HAHA>>>I dId"nt ScaRE yOU!
NoW yOU"re GOinG to THink I'm FREAky Or AnythIng bUt I Tell YOu mAximUm Of my InSanIty Goes to my Dog,Sir JuliAN CARmichaEL Toons A' Lot!
So yEAh HE spendS hiS time Staring AT catS aNd His tOunGe iS lolling OUt sO yeAh i"d Get it IF you STOp reaDing I Mean THe dOG's A dumbass OR anytHing hE'S sweet He WAS my SEcoNd vAleNtine Date!
Ha HAQ..OhOhoHo>>> THis GEttiNG waY ouT OF pRoportIoN!!!!!
I'M nOT nuTS oR ANythING So I"d AppRECiaTe iT If yOU'd BE my fAN SO THAt MY SAnity Will rETURN anD JULiAN(thE dog) will Stop dOing cartwhEEls In thE middLe of The night!

AnD I'll StOp TryIng To SteAl YOuR bOyFriEnDs...OR I'll HAppilY geT riD Of A CheerLeadEr foR you not ThaT I'd Kill SomeBOdy Or ANything...I'M JusT WeIrd doNt You Agree???
Soo>>>>WHaT dO YOu PreFEr>>I'd PouR sOmE tEn yEar olD Milk OVer His/Her heAd and She'll SmeLLL liKe ShiT foR The rESt of HER liFE???YEaH I'd DO thAT!
ANyWAY I likE ALl OF YOU And This MessaGe Is n OT limiTless.
  • At the bottom of a tequila
  • JoinedFebruary 24, 2012


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~>'{Say yOu Love Me}'<~
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I can't believe the man! &quot;You know you're such a loser Jake!&quot; Haley was smoking mad.He had no righ...
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