Hello! My name's Judy and while I used to be on here constantly, life has unfortunately gotten in the way and now I barely come on here. I won't be posting anything in the near future on here, but I shall keep my other stories up in case others wish to read them. 

BUT if you do want to see me in action, then I suggest looking for me on tumblr or on 1DFF because I am constantly on there!

Love you all :) xx


  • InscritAugust 30, 2012

Dernier message
TootsieRoll_16 TootsieRoll_16 Dec 29, 2015 09:36PM
Hi! Okay, wow this is the first time I've been on here in what? Almost a year? Perhaps longer?I do want to apologize for my absence, life sort of got out of hand and I sort of let this account fade...
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Histoires par TootsieRoll_16
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Predators Eye
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Lego House (Harry Styles Fan Fic)
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My Story Ideas
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