I love reading and writing but don't like sharing my stories often, so there may be some coming soon. Who really knows?

Also if you're a phone user and my header photo looks weird, it's because it's meant to be seen on a computer and looks normal there.
  • Neverland
  • انضمSeptember 6, 2017

الرسالة الأخيرة
ToxicRelationships ToxicRelationships Mar 14, 2020 08:50AM
So I took down Traffic Lights a while ago, I just wasn’t liking it and pretty much drafted the whole thing but I’ve decided to repost the chapters and I’m going to try and finish it. There’s only two...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم ToxicRelationships
Short Song Stories بقلم ToxicRelationships
Short Song Stories
This is basically just a collection of short stories based on the lyrics of songs. If you want to request a s...
Colourful بقلم ToxicRelationships
"For a flash of a second, I saw colour. Reds and blues and greens. They painted the room and before I kn...
+3 أكثر
Trapped  بقلم ToxicRelationships
"We have to get her out, we have to get help."