Hi! I’m not sure if you know this but there’s been a plagiarism problem with the website novelhd.com. I was checking to see if my works were on there and really unfortunately I found your work, ‘Adrift’. It might be worth chasing up with both wattpad and the website as if you haven’t given them permission to use it + if your book i all rights reserved it means that it is illegal for them to have reprinted it over there. I’m so sorry that you had to be involved in this

@rememberiwasvapour I sincerely appreciate your bringing this to my notice, thank you. I was not aware of this plagiarism until now. I assure you, appropriate steps would be taken to ensure it is taken down on novelhd.com. It seems Wattpad is not safe anymore. The book in question is not even completed yet. Thanks once again, k appreciate your concern.