
Hey everyone...
          	...Not sure if anyone's really gonna read this, but in case some are interested or some find this later on I felt it'd be good to get an update out there.
          	So as you can see it's been over a year since I've posted any new stories, and unfortunately I've come to report there probably won't be anything new here. Not anytime in the foreseeable future anyway. A LOT has changed in my life in the past year. I'm graduating college (FINALLY) in a month. I'm also getting married soon! I'm currently working hard to get started in my career path, searching for a job in my chosen field and working on getting my own personal stories polished so I can find a publisher.
          	While I haven't quit SSO I've spent very, very minimal time on it lately. Idk, when the characters got updated it completely destroyed my interest in the game. I understand SSO had to update them but I think they went about it in all the wrong ways. It feels like between that, the rest of the updates to the world and the updates to the story, SSO is trying to erase everything it once was and take on a new identity. Plenty of games have undergone graphical updates to keep with the times but still retained the same feeling. Not SSO. Everything about SSO just feels watered down these days. I don't feel connected to my character nor really even the main story... and as such trying to find the muse to write more fanfiction for it is a near-impossible task.
          	So... unless SSO turns themselves around, which I almost completely doubt, or I do get a random huge wave of nostalgia to it one day... there probably won't be any new content here.
          	I'm glad to still see people reading, bookmarking, and liking my old works though! I'll always keep them up (even if Eclipse, um, really doesn't feel like a good reflection of my skills anymore ) so that you can always enjoy them!
          	And thanks, everyone, again for the fun experiences I had here!


Hey everyone...
          ...Not sure if anyone's really gonna read this, but in case some are interested or some find this later on I felt it'd be good to get an update out there.
          So as you can see it's been over a year since I've posted any new stories, and unfortunately I've come to report there probably won't be anything new here. Not anytime in the foreseeable future anyway. A LOT has changed in my life in the past year. I'm graduating college (FINALLY) in a month. I'm also getting married soon! I'm currently working hard to get started in my career path, searching for a job in my chosen field and working on getting my own personal stories polished so I can find a publisher.
          While I haven't quit SSO I've spent very, very minimal time on it lately. Idk, when the characters got updated it completely destroyed my interest in the game. I understand SSO had to update them but I think they went about it in all the wrong ways. It feels like between that, the rest of the updates to the world and the updates to the story, SSO is trying to erase everything it once was and take on a new identity. Plenty of games have undergone graphical updates to keep with the times but still retained the same feeling. Not SSO. Everything about SSO just feels watered down these days. I don't feel connected to my character nor really even the main story... and as such trying to find the muse to write more fanfiction for it is a near-impossible task.
          So... unless SSO turns themselves around, which I almost completely doubt, or I do get a random huge wave of nostalgia to it one day... there probably won't be any new content here.
          I'm glad to still see people reading, bookmarking, and liking my old works though! I'll always keep them up (even if Eclipse, um, really doesn't feel like a good reflection of my skills anymore ) so that you can always enjoy them!
          And thanks, everyone, again for the fun experiences I had here!


Little update for y'all...
          Mostly I'm putting this here because, wow, the amount of people I've had come forward asking in regards to future content since my last published story has been wild! I'm so glad to hear how much you've all enjoyed what I've done here and that you want me to do more, it means a lot to me. <3
          I was hoping to get something new written out this summer but unfortunately, things ended up not going that way. My interest in SSO has been a bit down again since I was really underwhelmed with a lot of their recent content. I also had the craziest turn of luck last month that gave me the ability to return to college this year (classes start in just two days now!). I'm also starting work on the third and final book in my own personal trilogy next week, so I'm not going to have time to work on another fanfic for here for several months now. But... I'm really hoping by April I can start work on something for here again. Not exactly sure which one of the ideas I have it will be yet (if any of them, maybe I'll get inspired to do something entirely new by then), but we shall see. I'll release more info when I do start work on it!
          Extra TL;DR
          Really closing in on my 10 year SSO anniversary now. SSO has honestly been one of the hugest influences on my entire life. Literally going to school to be a professional writer/hopefully game developer because of how much SSO inspired me. The game is so much bigger than when I started, but the community's still quite small (especially here) which is why I still find it so important to give you all good stuff to read here. I know a lot of fanfic writers are guilty of promising their readers things, but then end up disappearing for all eternity. That's never how I want to conduct myself. If I say you'll see more content, you will see it. (: 
          Almost at max word count again... jeez! Have a great day everybody, and I shall see you with something new next year. (Still checking on comments in the meantime though!)


@Trexxa1 heeey! haha np! yea same, so many things *sigh
            oh nice! i still haven't gotten to fort maria, still working with beatrix's trust, but soon hopefully! cant wait to see it!!


@JustARandomHumanXD Just went ahead and watched, was interesting for sure! I used to love watching theories a couple years ago so thanks for sharing lol. Yeah there's so many things I wish SSO would've expanded on, also the amount of times they've rewritten their own lore is honestly ridiculous at this point...
            also for your first comment - yeah, I've seen the game through a lot of ups and downs over the years, but this past year has definitely been one of the toughest... I will say I did personally like the second half of the fort maria quests though, I liked how fort maria looked and I noticed multiple references to starshine legacy which was... really surprising?? but really nice?? Still think they have a lot of room for improvement, but at least it was... something.


*sigh, thats not the title xd
            heres the vid tho, rlly interesting, i think u may like it. wish sso had expanded on this instead but oh well xdxd hope you enjoy it!


Anddd my new oneshot is officially published!
          Again, I'm not exactly sure when I'll have something new to show again. Really hoping it isn't two years from now, lol, but I guess only time will tell. I've had a bunch of ideas - all for longer novels like Eclipse was - I've been tossing around for awhile. But unfortunately, I just haven't found the real muse to actually work on them. Here's to hoping SSO releases something good soon to get me into the spirit (and not like the utter disappointment the second half of those rainbow festival quests were -cough cough-). I'm also thinking I'm going to create a new account whenever these remodeled characters finally get released, since I hear the new player experience is drastically different these days. Who knows, maybe I'll find the muse I need there? 
          December of this year will mark my 10 year anniversary of playing this game. 10 years. I've basically come to accept I'm never fully going to get away from this game... that's alright though. I could be stuck with worse things.


Ayo guess what, I'm back
          Back a lot later than I expected unfortunately, not sure anyone who used to follow me is even still active on here, not sure anyone in the SSO community is still active here for that matter...
          Regardless, I've actually written something I'd like to publish here again. Shocker, I know. It isn't much to show for almost two years of inactivity, just a little oneshot I got inspiration for in light of the latest summer event quests. I plan to publish it in about a week or two - see if next week brings any more/different ideas, and also give me time to figure out some cover art. So, if any one's still active around here and would like to read it... thanks for letting me share with you.
          It's been a tricky past two years, had to drop out of school, been throwing myself into work since then, when I'm not at work I've been focusing on my own novel. I've also found the content on SSO to be pretty... meh... over that time, and even though I've had some ideas of stuff to put here, they've just not given me enough to really inspire me to put something out. I must say, I've been extremely impressed with their recent work on the Dark Riders though. Contrary to the general community's apparent consensus, I actually think the Dark Riders didn't have a whole lot of defining characteristics to them. I've loved them too since I started SSO and have written so many stories about them with all my headcanons. But that's just it, I had to make up all these headcanons because SSO just wasn't giving enough about them to work with. Now? They all feel so interesting to look at, so well-rounded, so... alive. I certainly think SSO has made some questionable decisions as of late, but I do believe this is finally one thing they've done right. 
          Anywho, I'm almost at max word count on this. Sheesh, I need to learn to talk less.


Lost in the Dark has now been completed! Aaa, I can't believe it's finished already...
          Regarding what I have planned for the future now... sadly I currently have no plans for another fanfic lined up. I'm currently juggling a bunch of other projects for school/my career  and haven't had much time to come up with some other fanfic ideas. (I also could really use another batch of story quests to spark some ideas, SSO...) 
          However, again, I will say that this isn't the last of me around here. I love the little community around here, and I definitely love contributing to it in any way I can. Both SSO and writing are two of my biggest passions.  So, I can't say how long, but sometime, I'll be back with another story to publish here. 
          Much love, 


As of today, Eclipse is officially completed! Thank you once again to all my readers. As an aspiring author, your support really has meant everything.
          Now, as to what you'll see from me in the future... I'll start by saying I do not have any plans as of now to write a sequel to Eclipse, nor do I plan on writing another SSO fanfic as long as Eclipse was. As my fellow writers know, writing a novel takes a LOT of time. Right now I want to focus most of my time on writing a novel that's all my own, a piece I have a goal to formally publish (outside of Wattpad) within the next 2 years.
          However, with that being said! YES, I will be soon publishing another, shorter SSO fanfic on here! The piece is going to be from Anne's point of view. It is going to focus on her time spent in Pandoria (she didn't spend all that time in a crystal, so you know) and how those awful things she endured changed her as a character... (Note that this will be in no way related to Eclipse. My goal is to make this story feel as much like Anne's actual personality in SSO as possible.) The story will be 5 (lengthy) chapters in total. I will be publishing the first chapter the last week in August - the exact date of the week to be decided.
          That's all for now!
          Much love,