Why is most gay literature on here boyXboy? The queer experience is more than just fucking. For better or worse, I guess...
  • Cape Town, South Africa
  • انضمJuly 24, 2014

الرسالة الأخيرة
Triiito Triiito Feb 04, 2017 05:44PM
HeyQuick update, even though it won't matter that much to most. Dammit, I've got to cut back on the self-deprecating humour.I will be posting the rest of my newer work (within the next 24h), since...
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قصص بقلم Trito
The Midnight Anecdotes: An Autobiography of sorts بقلم Triiito
The Midnight Anecdotes: An Autobio...
I don't like talking about myself to anyone. I do, however, love talking about how I screw up... This collect...
The Purple Letters بقلم Triiito
The Purple Letters
Closure is a hard thing to find. That doesn't mean that we have to stop looking. This book contains 8 open le...
The Drawing Board: an anthology بقلم Triiito
The Drawing Board: an anthology
You need to know one thing: I have commitment issues. With that in mind, welcome to my head. Well, at least...
2 قوائم قراءة