Dear @trudytattle, thank you so much for this story, you captured and maintained the essence of the characters so well and to their time. It was a lovely story to finish and only the only negative being that the story has ended, but concluded so satisfyingly. Thank you.
@EmilyPoole199 Hello Emily! So sorry I missed this message. You can find a couple interviews with me at my blog: --I discuss why I wrote my story. Basically, I couldn't stop thinking about that horrible good bye scene and began to re-write it in my mind.
And why is that? Because i might compare it if i start to read the AHFM. I'm thinking that the story is about what would happen if Margaret did not accept his proposal.
@HanjeLee5 I'm not sure I understand. They are two separate stories. They have the same characters, but the two stories are not connected to each other.
So, I'm looking for a particular N&S fanfic and I wondered if you might know it. Its a slightly AU timeline, where I believe Margaret actually slaps Stevens for smoking in the carding room -- because she's griefstricken from the last fire where she saw all the children injured ...? At least I think it's Margaret. It may have been an OC.
@emily090824 I actually thought of that just yesterday - whether I could create a story by year's end. I was just contemplating plot development this evening on the story I've started but am stalled on. We shall see... Thanks for the encouragement. :)