RED ALERT! RED GODDAMN ALERT! SKYDOESMINECRAFT JUST QUIT! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! BUT HE HAS A NEW CHANNEL AND I FORGOT WHAT IT'S CALLED BUT IT'S COMPLETELY UNKID FRIENDLY! I LOVE IT! Anyways, if you want to know the name of the channel, just watch the last video on Skydoesminecraft. Until my next update, you won't read my next update. Obviously!
RED ALERT! RED GODDAMN ALERT! SKYDOESMINECRAFT JUST QUIT! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! BUT HE HAS A NEW CHANNEL AND I FORGOT WHAT IT'S CALLED BUT IT'S COMPLETELY UNKID FRIENDLY! I LOVE IT! Anyways, if you want to know the name of the channel, just watch the last video on Skydoesminecraft. Until my next update, you won't read my next update. Obviously!
OKAY SO I JUST HAVE TO RECCOMEND THIS GAME CALLED MIDDLE EARTH SHADOW OF MORDOR AND THERES A SEQUEL COMING OUT CALKED MIDDLE EARTH SHADOW OF WAR AND-just play it okay? The first one I stated is pretty old so its probably only 10 dollars or less. I got it for 8. I'm going to watch youtube now.
10 FOLLOWERS! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED! THANK ALL OF YOU! Now, I will do anything that you guys vote out of these options.
A telltale story (based on a telltale game)
A Bethesda story (based on a Bethesda game)
Or something completely random (please state what in particular and I'll try to to combine everything if this gets the most votes)
Okay peoples, I'll do something special that you suggest if I hit 10 followers. So tell your friends and if they follow me, great! If not, well, my stories aren't for everyone. Come on guys, we can do this!