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@TrulyMadlyLarry i am in high school and was but a toddler at the peak of 1D, so i am often viewed as "not a true directioner", but I am. i discovered them at the end of last year and my life changed forever. their voices kept (keep) me going when I'm doing whatever, from chores to homework to relationship and family problems. they saved my life, in a way.
when i heard the news on october 16 (that day will be ingrained in my head forever), my heart dropped in my chest. i was in such shock, that I didn't believe that is was real. i kept repeating, often out loud, "oh my god, this cant be real". all of my friends checked on me to see if i was okay. i wasn't, not really.
on wednesday, november 20 (wednesday is the shittiest day for directioners) it become real for me, i guess? like oh shit, its real, but also a feeling of relief. his son, his girlfriend, his family, his friends, the boys, and the fandom finally got closure.
rip Liam. you will be missed.