
Merry Christmas y'all!! Hope y'all have a happy new year as well!! 
          	I'm sorry if I don't update as regularly, but I've had serious writers block, and have been a bit busy with other things. I hope everyone's doing great! 
          	--Surrah Bean :P


Can I make a drawing requests?


@ColeShade Yes you may. I'm sorry it took me so long to respond. I just got a job, and have been working all week. When I got home, my tablet decided to act like the piece of garbage that it is. 
            Just a note, I may not have it done very quickly, seeing as how I work from 11 A.M. to 5 P.M.


Sorry for the long wait for the story. I've been at camp, and now, we're celebrating my Granny's 80th birthday. But I do have another chapter written down on paper for "The Future Sucks". Will see you then.


@Tryingtobenice99 No problem. Kind of hit a rode block with my next Chapter hopefully it will be out soon. I had to spilt it into two chapters, so we'll see if that makes it easier.