
Sarcasm and mockery is a sign of desperation.


By insulting the "typical, ignorant Trump supporter" you are also directly insulting the majority of the United States. Rude and quite pathetic stereotypes have been spread about Trump supporters... Some of them state that we are racist, sexist, and as you have displayed above, ignorant. However, claiming that this is the "typical" Trump supporter is practically claiming that the "typical" Caucasian teenager purchases coffee at Starbucks everyday. By your choice of using the term "typical," I find your sentence offensive in many angles. If I were to refer to every stereotype or behavior as typical, the whole world would be pointing fingers at common mistakes and claiming that this behavior is "typical." So excuse me, for disagreeing that what you are describing is the "typical" Trump supporter, because if anything, you are being twice as ignorant as the so called "typical" Trump supporter.


@bitch_try_me We're not insulting Republicans. There is nothing wrong with the Republican Party in itself. We're simply insulting the typical, ignorant Trump supporter. 
            Not everyone who supports Trump and certainly not every Republican.


@UltimateTrumpFan  I also understand why one might insult Donald Trump directly (he definitely isn't a difficult target) however, insulting republicans in general? The original definition of republican was the idea of states holding more power than the Union. If the states were the ones who created the Union, shouldn't they hold more power? I don't understand why you would choose to insult the idea of freedom...However, freedom also refers to the freedom of if you wish to limit your own liberties, so be it.