
Well, I've managed to get quite a bit of writing done this week, and I am super excited that things are moving along finally. Actually, I'm totally on a roll right now and have managed to crank out at LEAST one chapter every day. I will be out of town this weekend, completely disconnected, which may throw a loop in my roll, but I really want to get this done and I feel like it's finally gonna happen! Thank you everyone for following Rinda's adventures thus far! I hope you enjoy the chapters I've worked hard on this week. As always, please feel free to point out any errors or discrepancies!


Well, I've managed to get quite a bit of writing done this week, and I am super excited that things are moving along finally. Actually, I'm totally on a roll right now and have managed to crank out at LEAST one chapter every day. I will be out of town this weekend, completely disconnected, which may throw a loop in my roll, but I really want to get this done and I feel like it's finally gonna happen! Thank you everyone for following Rinda's adventures thus far! I hope you enjoy the chapters I've worked hard on this week. As always, please feel free to point out any errors or discrepancies!


Oh wow. Okay, I guess I had NO IDEA how crazy my life was going to get, and that it would be nearly a year before I got any real writing done! My most sincere apologies! Rinda has been on my mind, even during my own adventures on the far side of the world (Annapurna Circuit in Nepal!). I won't make any promises about being back, but I definitely want to complete this trilogy and I feel like I finally figured out the way I want things to happen, which was holding me back before. I hope you enjoy Chapter Six! More to come as often as I am able!
          Thanks for hanging around!


Sorry everyone! I suspect at least some of you are as anxious as I am to find out what happens in book 3. Luckily for you it is NaNoWriMo.... So I'm back, and hopefully it won't snow because I really need to clean up the garden before it does. :) Harvest kept me busy the last few months, more than I expected.  That and my Search and Rescue k9 training takes up at least ONE of my weekend days every week.  I plan to be writing about my adventures once the Mendhavi series is finished... if I can find the time.  :)
          Anyway, thanks for sticking around, and I hope you enjoy!


Sooooo I hope that you can update soon!   Don't overwork yourself and take your time. Thank you!!!! :)


Hi Simone, I'm so glad you like my writing. I've been stewing about Snow Fields the last few days but haven't gotten anything written. I do plan on updating and I really want to, I just can't pin down when it will happen. So I completely understand if you hold off on reading it til I've finished it!  Thanks so much for your encouragement!!


Hey! I've just finished reading Ghost Fields, all in one day I might add bexause it was absolutely fabulous, and I was wondering about the updates Snow Fields. I know that if I start reading it now ill be devastated if you dont update soon.


I know, I know. I need to write!!! I'm sorry for anyone who's been reading Snowfields. I've just returned from six weeks in England (AWESOME!) and am working two jobs and with Xmas coming up shortly, there's just not enough time to go around. New Years resolution? Finish Snowfields!!! Sorry you'll have to wait a bit longer. One good thing about having people looking for more, is that I start to feel really guilty, and I can't take five years to write the novel like I did with Ghost Fields.... Thanks for hanging in there!! <3