
Okay, this isn't normally something I'd ask for advice on, but I'm dating my best friend's older brother, and I want to break up with him. Should I talk to her abt it first? And I already typed a paragraph, so I need someone to tell me if it's decent:
          	I want you to know. I'm sorry. And it's not your fault even a little bit. But I think I lost feelings for you. Something between us just feels different. And I'm not completely sure what exactly, but I've been sitting on it for a little bit now, and I think I've come to a conclusion that's best for everyone involved, and it's breaking up. Again, I am beyond sorry. But you deserve someone who still feels the same way about you that you do them. And I just can't do that. I don't want this to make things awkward and if you want, I'd still like to be friends. But honestly, not dating your friends siblings is in girlcode for a reason. Like I said. It's nothing that you did wrong, I can't stress that enough. I just wanted to tell you how I felt and explain if you think I've been a little withdrawn lately. 
          	Mkay that's it, so someone please help me 


Update that's not what I ended up sending, and Im currently crying and wanting to die ✌


Okay, this isn't normally something I'd ask for advice on, but I'm dating my best friend's older brother, and I want to break up with him. Should I talk to her abt it first? And I already typed a paragraph, so I need someone to tell me if it's decent:
          I want you to know. I'm sorry. And it's not your fault even a little bit. But I think I lost feelings for you. Something between us just feels different. And I'm not completely sure what exactly, but I've been sitting on it for a little bit now, and I think I've come to a conclusion that's best for everyone involved, and it's breaking up. Again, I am beyond sorry. But you deserve someone who still feels the same way about you that you do them. And I just can't do that. I don't want this to make things awkward and if you want, I'd still like to be friends. But honestly, not dating your friends siblings is in girlcode for a reason. Like I said. It's nothing that you did wrong, I can't stress that enough. I just wanted to tell you how I felt and explain if you think I've been a little withdrawn lately. 
          Mkay that's it, so someone please help me 


Update that's not what I ended up sending, and Im currently crying and wanting to die ✌


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Oh my fucking God, I just read the first of the series "To All the boys I've Loved Before." By Jenny Han.
          I'm screaming, I'm also currently purchasing the other two books and planning out a fanfic because Peter is to die for.


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That's a whole fuckin novel


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@hearts4andrew Okay so, I asked one boy, let's call him G to a school dance event thing, AS FRIENDS but he told me he liked me at the event and I said I just wanted to be friends, he then was all mopey the rest of the night, I brushed it off, like "Okay whattever he'll get over it" 10 minutes later my vibe gets intruped by these two ugly ass kids, the one pushed his phone towards me (lets call him A) and said "Can I get ur number" and I'm nice (obvi) so I said yeah, two days later A asks me for my snapchat to wich I give him cuz y not, then A the dude THAT I HAVE NEVER HAD A REAL CONVO with asks me to be his gf I ofc reject him cuz yeah, cut too today where G is mopey as shit because his ex girlfriend likes to kick him in the shins, not to meantion he keeps asking if I like him.




Oh my god help my sister found my fanfic


@heartz4andrew she didn't even try to hide it either she STOLE my phone, found wattpad downloaded and screenshoted Wattpad and texted herself the screenshot of the account off my phone. Going to all those lengths just to read my fanfics?




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Got my nails done for the first time in like 3 years and 15 dollars for something I could probs do better at home, but im scared of telling the person they look like shit cuz i feel bad, yayyyy 


I'm just gonna end up doing them at home with a sharpie or something after these ones come off