Hey everybody and welcome to Phantom's Keep. The books that I write will be mostly Danny Phantom, septiplier, maybe asks/requests, possibly a quote or poem book, and maybe a commission book. just a disclaimer I do not own any characters or people that are in my books, I will inform you if one of the characters is my OC (original character), and all series are rightfully owned by their creators. My nickname for all of you will be "Phantasms". You all can call me Keeper or Echo. I also have to address a few things very quickly, I would prefer you to not insult my writing skills nor others' so please, instead of leaving hateful and degrading comments please try to turn it into constructive criticism and help me improve my writing. Here's a quick fact, I am bisexual and I do not take kindly to to people hurting and destroying other people's works just because of their preference, sexuality, or gender identity. I am a female Texas junior high student who has insomnia and a multiple personality disorder, I'm bisexual and I'm a pastel punk. I am also an atheist so please keep the religion related things to a minimum. Still, if any of you need anything don't hesitate to come and talk to me like if you're being bullied and thinking of suicide private message me and i will do all i can to help you, and that goes for other things to like if your home life is terrible come have a chat with me and will try and make you happy again. All in all, I care for all of you, every single one of you so please don't give up there's more to this life than just pain and hatred, there is life, hope , and people, people who care for you and your health you might not believe but they're always there for you. This is Keeper signing out, bye bye.
  • United States of America, Texas
  • انضمMarch 5, 2016

الرسالة الأخيرة
Undertaletrash65 Undertaletrash65 Dec 13, 2017 11:27PM
I'm working on Meet Me in Another Time! Yay! BTW i'm not dead!
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم phantom's keep
Voided Hope (Danny Phantom) بقلم Undertaletrash65
Voided Hope (Danny Phantom)
What if Danny completely dies in the portal incident and wakes up in the ghost zone with no memories of his p...
Meet me in Another Time (danny phantom Temporal trust) بقلم Undertaletrash65
Meet me in Another Time (danny pha...
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Coded Love (a septiplier and pewdiecry story) بقلم Undertaletrash65
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