Merry Christmas, everybody!
I dream of a day when the best books can be forgotten, rediscovered and fallen in love with over again.
It is officially exam time! Good luck to everyone taking exams (not you, Aleah, you meanie)! As long as there is caffein, sugar and an upcoming winter break, I believe in you! Once I finish my geometry exam on Friday, my plan is to clean my room, study for a bio test taking place after break, spend time with my family and write. It is my goal to finish the plot by the end of break, which is January 4th for me. Soon after that, hopefully chapter one will be ready and raring! God bless to all you procrastinators and book worms, and merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas guys and gals! Here is a awesome cover of All I Want For Christmas to pump you up for the holidays: http://youtu.be/SDACj0tkD-s Enjoy, and have a happy holiday!
Hannah, WII?
@AleiaMay okay... For you, maybe I'll have the plot finished by the end of break. The revised plot.
Praying for Paris tonight - my condolences to the loved ones lost, prayers to the families and citizens that are fearful and in pain, and thoughts on what I take for granted. It's amazing how in one moment, numerous friends were enjoying a concert, or working their jobs, or living their lives, just minding their own business, and bang - everything changes. It reminds me that I need to be thankful for the little things. Remember to pray for Paris tonight and in the times to come.
Gah it is November and I am no where near where I need to be for WII. BUT WHATEVER! Christmas is on get way here, and I am ready for the tree, the music, the baking, and the decorations! BRING IT ON! :D
@AleiaMay Hours I'll never get back, and not quite completely wasted on Pinterest.
@AleiaMay "Better step back kids, I don't think this school's insurance policy covers blown minds."
Believe it or not, I'm planning on updating When In Italy. My goal is November 29th. Between now I then, I need to make a plot, backstory, and develop the main characters. So... Wish me luck! :D
So I've changed my mind on this post. I want to have the development and plot done by this date, but I won't have anything posted. I want to take my time on this story, and I don't want to be pressured about updates because schoolwork is my focus as of right now. But I will update before the end of the year.
@AleiaMay YAYAYAYAYAY!!! I need to find my headphones so I can listen to Christmas music! My mom doesn't want to hear it yet. Lol
You're so cute, Hannah. :) (I'm talking about your profile picture!)