My best friends are @Shayelynn and @xXxOrganizedChaosxXx you hurt my UniBatman or Bubbles (Bubbles being @xXxOrganizedChaosxXx and Unibatman being @Shayelynn) i will kill you with spoons then feed you to my pet snake and that is a promise. BUBBLES I HOPE YOU CAN FORGIVE ME FOR BEING GONE FOR SOOOOOO LONG.
I used to be the account owner of @xXxPurdysPrincessxXx
I am 13
I listen to BVB, FIR, ETF, BOTDF, BMTH, AA, AA, ATL, 5SOS and soooo may more.
Erm yeah..
  • Under UniBatmans Bed
  • InscritJanuary 21, 2014

Dernier message
UniRobin UniRobin Mar 10, 2014 08:30PM
They have my laptop in their possession more than i have it in mine.
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