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Hi there, this message goes out to anyone who has messaged me regarding the book I'm Forever Yours or has any questions concerning the 'real life twins' I didn't know them. I have absolutely no idea who they were, where they lived, or if they even existed/still exist. I got asked to write this story by one of their friends via this website when I was 14/15 and believed 100% that the story took place but now a few years have passed, and I don't believe the story I was told has very much credibility. There are no forms of media reports about any incidents that were meant to have taken place, and the photo in Ruben's profile has been pulled off of the internet. After posting this I'm going to take away the parts of the book that say based on a true story as I can't leave it there feeling this way, I know some people may be annoyed at this but I can't have my friends being harassed and badgered for information on something that may not even exist, and I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry for everyone that has been led to believe this was a true story, but I believed so too until I pieced together that this is probably someones idea of a sick joke that I fell for. I'm sorry again, and I hope you're all well.
@XxAmaymay_StevexX Who cares if it is real or not? I started reading it not knowing it was "real", and only found that out at the end of the book. Non the less, your story still changed my life in more ways than one. Believe me when I say this story has been such an inspiration to me. I'm not in a relationship with my brother, but he could have been. We have known each other since we were 7 years old and we grew up as brothers. Now, almost 20 years later we are still in love, but not without some of the same things the twins went through. I'm even getting my mother to read your story, and I believe it will make the same huge impact on her that it made of me. I believe that everything happens for a reason. So wheter it is real or not... whether there is facts to prove everything or not... It doesn't matter. In the end you touched people, and that is what truly matters at the end of the day. So just keep up the good work. Rewrite it a bit if you really have too and publish it. I know that I would be first in line to own a nice hardback copy that I can read over and over again for as long as I live.
Omg the tears won't stop I'm forever your was so amazing
Listen here, you little shit!! If you're gonna put two people together, let them stay together!! After all the time you had to write about blissful romance between the couple, you could've AT LEAST attempted to cure the little shitheads' fear of being seen as a fag. I mean, "Without you I feel invisible but around ma boys you means dirt n dust to me?!??" For the whole frickin book?!?? At this point, Austin is trying to get his anger under control because of his insane father...how can you be so merciless?? Bitch!! Let em beeeeeee!! If he wanna kiss him up, let himmm!! Seriously? Shoving to the floor? Kicking in the FACE?? As if you hadn't shared millions of saliva and had mutual adoration for one another. As if we hadn't talked and talked about what we were and thought about our futures together. "Forever", you say? BULLSHIT! All you really care about is the eyes of these people huh? Your stupid little reputation! I thought you wouldn't make it big in life? I thought you were the ONE failure in your family? If so then who the fuck cares?? Love who you love. What kind of message is that you're sending me? If you can be so fake and so good at pretending, how the heck will I feel motivated to keep loving you?? How will I know if what you confess is true? Im fed up! Done! Go run along with your "boys". I can't take that kind of physical and mental abuse anymore! My focus is on my parents right now. If you can't find it in you to get your shit together and be with me shamelessly then get your shit out of my life!! Goodbye, Alex.
I think you'd like this story: " for all the ripples and memories..." by DastanKabir on Wattpad https://my.w.tt/RO1A91x2yM
Hi Amy my name is also Amy. We are both Amy's.
Will you update your book I love to hate you? Because I really like the book and want to know ehats going to happend.
Hi there, this message goes out to anyone who has messaged me regarding the book I'm Forever Yours or has any questions concerning the 'real life twins' I didn't know them. I have absolutely no idea who they were, where they lived, or if they even existed/still exist. I got asked to write this story by one of their friends via this website when I was 14/15 and believed 100% that the story took place but now a few years have passed, and I don't believe the story I was told has very much credibility. There are no forms of media reports about any incidents that were meant to have taken place, and the photo in Ruben's profile has been pulled off of the internet. After posting this I'm going to take away the parts of the book that say based on a true story as I can't leave it there feeling this way, I know some people may be annoyed at this but I can't have my friends being harassed and badgered for information on something that may not even exist, and I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry for everyone that has been led to believe this was a true story, but I believed so too until I pieced together that this is probably someones idea of a sick joke that I fell for. I'm sorry again, and I hope you're all well.
@XxAmaymay_StevexX Who cares if it is real or not? I started reading it not knowing it was "real", and only found that out at the end of the book. Non the less, your story still changed my life in more ways than one. Believe me when I say this story has been such an inspiration to me. I'm not in a relationship with my brother, but he could have been. We have known each other since we were 7 years old and we grew up as brothers. Now, almost 20 years later we are still in love, but not without some of the same things the twins went through. I'm even getting my mother to read your story, and I believe it will make the same huge impact on her that it made of me. I believe that everything happens for a reason. So wheter it is real or not... whether there is facts to prove everything or not... It doesn't matter. In the end you touched people, and that is what truly matters at the end of the day. So just keep up the good work. Rewrite it a bit if you really have too and publish it. I know that I would be first in line to own a nice hardback copy that I can read over and over again for as long as I live.
Hi I also want to visit their grave and pray for them please give the location of their graveyard. Please it is my request
Hi, I'm so stupid for not going to you first. But I'm Trying to get a hold of one of @RoeRoeRuben 's friends... everyone I've contacted that was a friend with him haven't been active in years! So please contact me?? I would like to talk personally about Ruben/Ryley/Tyler thank you! Please contact me asap.
@crazyXlover13 @ANURAG_DAS I am so confused. Can someone please explain this to me? Was it a joke? A lie? Real? Does anyone have information? I've been to several different pages and I keep getting different information. I'm not sure what to believe.
@crazyXlover13 my name is Nixie and I'm from the US, and awesome. Hopefully she'll share information with us.
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