
Hello loves!!! Its been an UBERRRRRR long time since I've done much of anything on Wattpad. I've been doing the college thing now and I just haven't had much time to write (irony is that I'm a creative writing major) or post. I've missed you guys and I promise I won't be making any long absences again!
          	So while at college, I happened to join my schools Rocky Horror Picture Show Shadow Cast. IT WAS AMAZEBALLS! And I had Rocky on the brain and I was inspired to write a shitty fan fiction story. I have posted said shitty story for your enjoyment (don't judge me too harshly).
          	ANYWHO, I busted wanted you guys to know I'm back and I will try to start doing the writing thing again!!! 
          	LOVE YAH!!


Hello loves!!! Its been an UBERRRRRR long time since I've done much of anything on Wattpad. I've been doing the college thing now and I just haven't had much time to write (irony is that I'm a creative writing major) or post. I've missed you guys and I promise I won't be making any long absences again!
          So while at college, I happened to join my schools Rocky Horror Picture Show Shadow Cast. IT WAS AMAZEBALLS! And I had Rocky on the brain and I was inspired to write a shitty fan fiction story. I have posted said shitty story for your enjoyment (don't judge me too harshly).
          ANYWHO, I busted wanted you guys to know I'm back and I will try to start doing the writing thing again!!! 
          LOVE YAH!!


@JeddieJay Jayme, my man, I f**ks with you sooooo hard! Your writing is just AMAZEBALLS. I mean, I just...I can't even. When I saw you were doing book reviews, I thought, "why not throw my hat in the ring?". I got school girl happy when I saw your comment! I'm so glad you liked my first chapter (I encourage you to read more *hint hint wink wink*) and I know I have like a ton of work to do with this little short story of mine. It's my first story and knowing you liked it has been very encouraging. I'm going to school in a about, oh, give or take...three days for creative writing. Hopefully there I'll make this story even more awesome sauce! Thanks again Jayme! You just keep doing what your doing. I'll be looking for your updates!


Hello Lovelies!!! Long time no speak! I know, I'm uber sorry!!! I mean with graduation and prom coming up in two weeks, it's been hard to do much of everything! But guess what you guys, I have posted a new chapter of Tardy! I know its been super long since I updated but here it is you guys! Thank you guys so much for sticking with me! I'm finally in a better place where I can write now!