
Been gone about 5 million years, it seems. But I'm back, on the 4th draft of Rhi girl, and VERY excited to be back! 
          	Please read :)


Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg ommg omg ur a whovian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry im still suffering from matt smith withdrawals and when i visited ur account because im browsing some stories i saw ur awesome cool fabulous background! And i just saw the last christmas special episode for matt smith....im really going to miss him :'( I like young doctors better...but i mean they said that peter capaldi is a natural Doctor so...let's see....anyways im sooooo happy ur a whovian!! Haha


Scarlett Maiden Fans!
          I have gone and edited literally every chapter. 
          Okay, I completely rewrote it. 
          The whole book is different, and by far not over so please go back and read. If you have, please leave a comment telling me so, and I will go and read a chapter of your story. 
          Hear that?
          Read again, and I will read your story. 
          I love you all,