
I'm thinking about putting this account under a makeover. It would be just a normal me account, but I'd have like an rp book and I'd put all my unfinished stories that I don't plan on finishing stories in one book so whoever wants them can ask for them or we can team up and write them together cause I need help finishing it. Who thinks that's a good idea?


I'm thinking about putting this account under a makeover. It would be just a normal me account, but I'd have like an rp book and I'd put all my unfinished stories that I don't plan on finishing stories in one book so whoever wants them can ask for them or we can team up and write them together cause I need help finishing it. Who thinks that's a good idea?


I'm going to be changing this from a Jane account to normal personal account. All my stories are either going to be rewritten or put in a story that will be called themaidoflife vault. Nothing there will be continued and is up for grabs


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Is anyone else upset that the plot of the new harry potter book is the same as a  portion of harry potter wattpad fanics
          -voldemort has a daughter with bellatrix
          -girl is waaaaaaaaaaay overpowered
          -her symbol is something that was never mentioned in any of the books but is somehow arrelevent
          -either a malfoy or potter has feelings for her
          -some sort of time changing event (ha ha)
          seriously though
          what the fuck


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serously though the villians the same fucking villian from my immortal


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why the fuck did we get this though when we could of had a well written muarders prequel?