my pms aren't / haven't been working. I click on pms but nothing loads. It keeps saying "oops. Something went wrong" 
          	tried to reinstall it and even change my wifi but it won't work. I'm sorry I didn't get to anyone. This site is screwing with me


@VERBATlM  it's because it's under construction. if you're using your phone, reset the app by taking it out of your recently used, then open it back up and let it reset. it should work.


my pms aren't / haven't been working. I click on pms but nothing loads. It keeps saying "oops. Something went wrong" 
          tried to reinstall it and even change my wifi but it won't work. I'm sorry I didn't get to anyone. This site is screwing with me


@VERBATlM  it's because it's under construction. if you're using your phone, reset the app by taking it out of your recently used, then open it back up and let it reset. it should work.


- be back in about an hour, sorry. Things came up
          but I hope I get a few more pms. Ivy has no messages & Ryan has 4, but they're but up for roleplay


@VERBATlM you can message  us (: 


-  I reallllllly want Roleplays. But I have very specific do's and don'ts so read rules before pming. I just replied to the messages I have now; so if you did pm but didn't get a reply right now you did something wrong