
The decision is final. i will delete my account soon. I hope you forgive me  for my late replies. Forget this whole thing happened. Bye.


@_em__ma_ ohhh okay nvm then ahha


As long as credit is given I don’t see the problem. Isolation and other ff have been reposted and nothing is said. If the author doesn’t want it up anywhere then I get that but if that’s not been said then why can’t we enjoy it as long as we know who originally wrote it? But that’s just my opinion. 


this message may be offensive
Are you serious? Sending death threats over a god damn story? She gave credit to ada multiple times. Even if she was plagiarizing you still don’t send fucking death threats. Your a sick person if you think it’s okay to tell anyone to kill them selves. It is absolutely ridiculous that multiple writers have left this fandom over hate. Same thing with tik tok in the hp fandom. SHAME ON YOU! 


Anyways where can I read Erised effect now?


@jewels22emerald @The100OITNBPLL_lover @iparks322 
            It's available on Ao3 and Or if you want, you can read them from Google drive. The link to the drive is here:


@jewels22emerald have you found it bc I wanna know too 


Look I know that she actually put her user name on the cover of the stories instead of Ada’s but she did write in the description of all the stories that weren’t hers and she gave credit to the original author. So just leave her alone. As long as she gives credit it’s not out place to start screaming at her and make her feel bad…. For gods sake enough with all of this…..


yea she did credit the author, but she didn’t get permission from her.


GUYS! She said she was going to delete her account. I just read all the comments and I know she did wrong but she actually helped me. Please stop harassing her now. What's done is done and I know many other including me have thoroughly enjoyed these story's and ao3 is also hard for me. @dantesnightmare11 is the only one who actually told her properly. Please stop and leave her alone. Don't act like soo many other people didn't reupload works.Stop acting like it's the end of the world. Damn.


She was only trying to help. I know it wasn't in a good way but many people enjoyed these. She wanted to hear everyone's views not only those who were acting crazy in the comments!


          I understand that you might be young and not understand 100% what is the big deal about you reuploading fanfics that are not yours here.
          I promise you 100% that it is not ok. Put yourself in the author's position. If 50 people tell you this is not ok and explain to you why, don't take it the wrong way. The author, Ada, left this fandom because of the bullying they received here on wattpad. 
          I hope you understand why it is ok not and the fact that Ada left us a drive of her fics means a looot more than you can image, because some authors just delete everything and leave.