
Good night wolfie… I know you won’t see this but I just hope you sleep well and have a wonderful day… I miss you a lot. 


I love you wifey! I hope you’re doing well! And when you come back I wanna throw you the biggest “I missed you” party that will ever be thrown! You are the light of my life and I never wanna lose you! I love you wolfie!!


Love you wolfie! I’m gonna be at my dads house for The Weekend, assuming you come back to Wattpad between now and next Tuesday. If you come back in that time, please just know I love you deeply and I’ll be back to talk with you as soon as I can! I love you so so much and I miss you like crazy!! 


Wolfie you idiot… please come back… please… Not being with you… And I mean not having you as my lover, hurts me far more than anything else. Please don’t do this. Please… have another account and just… see this some day… I don’t want to lose you. You leaving forever will do more permanent and dangerous damage than anything else. Additionally, stop assuming my feelings you idiot. I’ve never once said I was hurting like that. Never. Do you being gone from time to time hurt? Well yes. But that’s a good thing. It means I love you. It’s when it stops hurting… that’s when you know things are bad. But it hurts. However it’s nowhere near enough pain that I want us to separate. I need you in my life. Please.