
@Gracie_Luv You're welcome, love. (:


Just came to say hi!! :) Howaya doing?  And don't let one person's slander put you off. There will be hundreds of those people out there, but they won't mean anything among the thousands of people who'll like your story :]


Wow. So I don't think Toxic Wasteland is going to work out. I let my friend read it and she just laughed. Said I was a poor excuse for a writer and I should take it off Wattpad. I can take criticism, hell I have all my life for being bisexual and fat, but this is my life. Writing is my life an I was proud of the story. This has happened so many times, I'm surprised I'm still letting my stories go public. Criticism I can take, slander I cannot. So ill probably take it down, I don't think people really like it anyways. Sorry everyone, just needed to get that out somewhere. Bye.