I've been wondering if this is just me or does anyone else feel this way: Do you get annoyed when come under YOUR comment thread to tell you that YOUR opinion is wrong? Or my personal two favorites of "STFU" or "You sound stupid"? How hard is it for a person to start their own thread? That, imo, is almost a bad as telling an author that their story is stupid, they are wrong, or that you're no longer reading. I've been blocking people left and right for the past two week. Ugh
@Vegaslover You are not the only one. Everyone lately seems to think that what they their opinion trumps yours. I have a few arguments with a lot of new readers where I have to tell that no one opinion out ways someone's else and that neither opinion/view is wrong or right but just a opinion.
@WC2Lady The funny thing is that I went to reread a comment to get the gist of what I said years ago, and that person had started another thread about how stupid I was! So instead of just writing their own comment thread they had to come under mine, attack me and then started another thread attacking me! Like you said, disagreements happen. It's how life is and why we are all different. But do so respectfully.