So just discovered that Inhuman published chapters are empty even though they are or were fully completed chapters. Can anyone tell me if you can see them? That would be great!
Added a new a Chapter to The Lightwood-Bane Chronicles!! It’s just a lazy night but it’s still got some cuteness!! I’m a little off my game since I haven’t written in a while so don’t judge too harshly if you think it’s not good. THANKS!! Trying to update as many as I can today because I finally have the motivation to write. About time right??
Srry I haven’t posted much. I’ve been travelling and I work 2 jobs and just moved into a new place so I try to write as much as I can but the inspiration is really not there but I’m trying!! I’ll have updates as soon as I can. Thank you for your patience!!!
Forgot to publish Inhuman last week!! Sorry!! I was flying to Switzerland and out all day. I'll write and post more as soon and as much as I can. Sorry about the lack of activity here. I promise I'll get more things up soon!!