
Wow...I haven't been here in almost two years...


BIG NEWS!! Well, big to anyone who actually cares. 
          I am rewriting The Bad Boy's Tutor (probably changing the title) and my other unnamed work, which will soon have a name.
          I've found that, along with barely having time to sit and write, when I do get a chance, I'm not interested in what I'm doing. I'm just not happy with the way the plots are unfolding and I want to change that as well as add and delete a few pieces. I know some of you have been waiting for ages to get a new chapter out of me, but I just don't want to give you crap. I don't want to write crap. I want to be proud of my work, so this is my current solution. 
          I'm sorry to any of you who are getting tired of my lack of updates.
          Hopefully you'll still be here for when I finally get my finished products up.
          Until then, 
          Just Keep Swimming, my little sea creatures.


To anyone who read the prologue to Elemental, please do not freak out if you can't find the title "Elemental". I found a few issues in my plot and I went back and worked out those problems and a few things have changed. A few pretty big things, in fact. So, the title is changing as well. As soon as I get things ready and everything is changed I will let you all know. 


I promise I'm writing TBBT. Surprisingly enough, the first few weeks of school were extremely difficult. Things are finally starting to get easier, so I have just a little leisure time to write. I should have another chapter for TBBT by the end of this week.
          In the meantime, check out the prologue for Elemental. IT'S THE BIG PROJECT. It's slowly making its way out to you guys. I'm so excited for it, so I'd love if you all good go read and support it. That would mean the world to me. :)
          I hope you guys are having a nice time at school, or at work if you don't go to school. I love you all!!
          -Your VictorianSeaTurtle


I'm finally going to get back on my grind. I'm getting back into my writing and reading. I don't know what happened, but this summer, I just haven't had any motivation to write. I went through a lot of personal transformations and I found out a lot about myself and a lot of other things and it's been one hell of a summer, but I'm back.
          I'm mainly focusing on editing COTA and writing TBBT. I have two other stories that are being plotted as well, but COTA and TBBT aren't plotted, so I'm just working freely on them. I think by the end of this week I'll have one or two chapters of TBBT done and I'll post them for you guys.
          I'm sorry for being MIA and only showing up to post apologies, but I promise this last time that I'm going to get back to it.
          Sending love from my deep purple sea,
          -Your VictorianSeaTurtle


@ASeaOfStars Sorry, for the wait, but the new chapter should be up either today or tomorrow. :)


@VictorianSeaTurtle  omg thanks you. I have been waiting forever for a new chapter for TBBA!!! :) <3


I haven't updated in forever!!! I'm so sorry. I've just been so busy with family outings, working with a group here on Wattpad, and other personal activities that I haven't even had the time or the motivation to sit down and write a solid chapter. I've just been adding little spurts of a chapter and it's still not finished. 
          I promise to get my act together, but I can't promise when that'll happen. In a couple days, the group I work for will be picking back up and I will have to tend to that. My weekends also aren't as free as they used to be, so that's less time to write. 
          I start school in a few weeks, so I'm sure after the first month, things will slow down and I will get back to writing. It sounds weird that when school starts, I'll have time, but honestly, it's true. 
          THIS DOESN'T MEAN I'M GOING TO STOP WRITING DURING THE TIME I HAVE BETWEEN NOW AND THE FIRST MONTH OF SCHOOL. It just simply means that I won't be updating as regular as I did before. (Even though I never had a set schedule for TBBT and I haven't even been getting anything written for my big project... Geez, I'm such a mess.) 
          I promise to get better, but I have to get through the worst in order to get there, so bare with me.
          Love you guys! You're the best sea turtles ever!
          -Your VictorianSeaTurtle


Hey, sea creatures! I feel like I haven't been on my personal account in a while. I've been out of school for about two weeks, but these two weeks have been quite busy. I've been working with a group on Wattpad, @WingsandStars. We've been trying to organize and get our books going, so it's been a little stressful, but I love it. We've also entered quite a few books in the Watty's, so after you've voted on mine, you should totally check out our books and give them a couple votes.
          I started writing a new chapter for TBBT because I got a sudden urge to write for that book, but I'm really trying to focus on editing COTA, so I can start sharing it and get more votes on it. I've entered TBBT in the Wattys, along with COTA and, I've realized that I can't enter the poem because there isn't three chapters, it's just one, so I need make a poem book... 
          Anyways, you guys should read and vote on my entries. It would mean the world to me. 
          I know I type too much in these updates, but what can I say? I like to talk. Ask any of my friends here on Wattpad. xD
          So, keep the votes coming. Check out @WingsandStars. Keep swimming, sea creatures.
          -Your VictorianSeaTurtle


I wanted to say to all my followers thank you for following me!  feel free to PM at anytime if you may need anything,  I'm always a friendly person and very honest when the help is needed, that is if you want brutal honesty lol (if you are from WingsAndStars please let me know!) 
          other than that,  keep reading and enjoying the wattpad life!! hope to see more stories to come :D


@bananabreeana It's Haley, from WingsandStars. :)