VilSlav Studios brings you top of the line stories with as much effort as one can put in. These stories can range from intergalactic warfare, simple furry adventures, or the most random things one can get. Hopefully these stories are ones to your liking, and hopefully you enjoy your stay!

VilSlav Studios founded on March 10, 2022 by codename "Henderson"


Awesome people:


  • InscritMarch 11, 2022

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VilSlav VilSlav Sep 27, 2024 08:14PM
Hey allI know it’s been a while since you’ve heard from me lol. I’ve just been taking a break from here but I have been writing some books I plan to post here sometime (hopefully) soon but the only...
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Histoires par VilSlav
Ferals: Of Day and Night par VilSlav
Ferals: Of Day and Night
Lucky was one of the many Domesticated under the control of her masters, but when this freedom wanting Retrie...
ranking #259 dans la catégorie woodland Voir tous les classements
SKY - A Protogen Story par VilSlav
SKY - A Protogen Story
Years before the events of Love a Machine - A Protogen X Reader Book, S-23KY, also known as Sky, is forced to...
ranking #185 dans la catégorie protogen Voir tous les classements
The Great Heretic Crusades 2: Death to the Heretic par VilSlav
The Great Heretic Crusades 2: Deat...
The sequel to The Great Heretic Crusades, and the second installment of the TGHC series, takes place 5 years...
ranking #160 dans la catégorie furries Voir tous les classements
7 Listes de Lectures