Hello!!! And welcome to VillainousWarriors! Meet our admins! 

@riverclanmapleshade - Call me Maple! (I'm weirder than Shadow)
@AmberSquirrel - That squirrel staring at you right now (I'm Amber, the weirdest of them all)

Random People From The Side of The Road (other admins)~
@Ghostfire137 - I'm Shadow, the weirdest and randomest one (I don't think randomest is a word, lol idc though -Shadow)

We animate our writings on Scratch! Check us out using the link below!
  • The Dark Forest
  • انضمSeptember 3, 2016


قصص بقلم Awesome Evil Cats Pretty Much
What Used To Be | A Warriors Fanfic| بقلم VillainousWarriors
What Used To Be | A Warriors Fanfi...
TigerClan, LeopardClan, LionClan. All clan cats have heard the myths of the mighty giant cats that previously...
Warriors: Discovered بقلم VillainousWarriors
Warriors: Discovered
"When kittypets fail, curiosity will prevail, but with a fading sky you can bring them to their place.&q...
1 قائمة قراءة