-Hello. I know I revealed my name awhile ago, but I've decided to hide it again. If you know it, you know it. I don't care.

-Any/All pronouns (Includes it/it's)

-Bisexual (I have a girlfriend 👍)

-I like mcyt's, but I prefer not to associate myself with the fandom too much. (By that I mean yeah I'll talk about them and read shot and interact, but I prefer not to say 'I'm in mcyt/dream smp fandom.')

-Enjoy your stay. I don't really do anything on here so there's nothing to really look at or read. I kinda just occasionally comment n stuff.

  • InscritFebruary 19, 2021

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VirusFoot VirusFoot Feb 01, 2022 04:25AM
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