I can't stop weeping and tearing up...
A friend kept wiping my tears with his handkerchief but...
Tears just keep increasing...
no matter what I do...
My friend kept comforting me but...
I ended up shutting him out...
But before that, I just wanted to thank @Gaiyo4eva and @SunShineCH27 for being so kind to me...
Why am I like this....
I'm not myself anymore...
From now on...
my name will be...
@MentallyBrokenMB9227 hey, it's okay.. Depression is part of our life but you don't have to think about it.. Just be happy and think positive, and pray.. That's always the things we need..
Y'know, I feel the same too when my father.. You know.. But I moved on and now I'm happy..
Guys, just today...
something triggered my depression...
I can't stop crying...
I'm sorry I haven't been updating my stories
I'm really sorry
Everyone keeps asking if I'm okay
I just ignore them...
I'm not okay
Don't worry
I think I'll update soon...
I just need someone to make me smile again
but I think
no one cares...
Please help me... :'(
@FierceSasuke48 dont worry gurl,you'll feel better soon,take your time/get well,and don't worry,i've been there!you just need some personal spacs thats all!sides,im here for you ma friend! ( ^ w ^ ) and sorry for the akward talk we did one time,its just 'Hakdog' just really really really triggers me sometimes,especially if its from my friends ( OwQ)