
@MajesticKat Freak accident- One minute I was partying away with Akatsuki, the next I'm squished up in Gaara's gourd. Honestly, I don't think he knows I'm here, he keeps growling when his sand doesn't come out and I'm not about to tell him the reason less he tries to kill me. :D 


@MajesticKat Freak accident- One minute I was partying away with Akatsuki, the next I'm squished up in Gaara's gourd. Honestly, I don't think he knows I'm here, he keeps growling when his sand doesn't come out and I'm not about to tell him the reason less he tries to kill me. :D 


Why do people still fan me?! I haven't updated in eight months people! But hello to my new fans anyway. I'm tempted to delete all of my books because they're probably going to be discontinued(I've lost interest and improved in writing. Long story short I hate all the plots I created last year.) I will probably delete Little Red and upload a new -and mucccch improved- werewolf story. Look out for it!  -If I decide to delete my books, they'll be gone by the end of the month. Sorry!