
Hey guys, so I’m writing another story. I know I always say that, and then I never post it. BUT I really am this time. This story is going to be one that hits kinda close to home for me. But i believe that’s what I need to do in order to write. Anyway..off y’all want me to post it, make sure to reply and let me know if i should post it here on Wattpad.


Hey guys, so I’m writing another story. I know I always say that, and then I never post it. BUT I really am this time. This story is going to be one that hits kinda close to home for me. But i believe that’s what I need to do in order to write. Anyway..off y’all want me to post it, make sure to reply and let me know if i should post it here on Wattpad.


Sooo i got rid of Betrayed. I got writters block really bad with thar story. But im writting a new story. Let me know if you would be interested in reading it. Also if anyone ever just wants to chat just message me(:


Hey Guys!! I just updated the Beytrayed! So go check it out, and I will try and update again tomorrow. Also if you guys could share my story and get more people reading it that would be amazing!! Thanks guys!! Love you all


Hey guys I know it's been a while since I updated, but I promise I will update tonight. I'll even give you two or three chapters instead of one!!(: I love you guys and again I am so so so so so so so so so sorry!! I love you all


Hey guys!! Again I apologize for not updating "The Beytrayed". Its senior year and ive been trying to get my financial aid for college all figured out. But I am going to  become an author. It's what I am going to school to become, and I cant wait!!(: Anyway, I'll try and update this week.


So I just wanted to apologize to everyone following my story "The Betrayed" for not updating. I have been busy with getting ready to graduate and with college stuff. But I will try to update sometime tonight or tomorrow. And I will update everyday this weekend and possibly twice on Saturday. To make up for not updating in so long(: I love you guys!!(: 


Hey guys so I don't know who all has been reading Betrayed, but I know its been awhile since I updated. I have just been really really busy with it being senior year and all. But I am hoping to start updating more regularly and probably putting up a new chapter tomorrow. just thought everyone would like to know.