Fact of the Day: Throughout the span of your entire life, you will have spent around 3 years on the toilet. Obscure Word Meaning of the Day: Autoschediastic - something done with spontaneity, on the spur of the moment. Zoe's Made Up Word of the Day: Habuit pronounced ha-boo-it meaning: Someone who enjoys saying 'beans' to the point of annoyance, but doesn't actually consume them particularly often.
So, example: "Today, when I woke up it was 7 am and I didn't know what to have for breakfast, so I made some toast and heated up a can of beans. It was a pretty autoschediastic move." 2nd example: "I wrote the above sentence and then realised that, considering my breakfast was actually composed of a squashed-looking croissant at my school's free breakfast, because I didn't have time to eat at home, I actually may be a habuit."